Saturday, October 8, 2016

Autumn & New Beginnings

And just like this the new academic year has started and the summer already seems to be far, far away. Luckily enough this October, at least up to know, is sunny and that rather helps us to stay optimistic and full of energy. I don't know about you, but for me October is about new beginnings. In past it was time when I was going back to school, new books, new teachers, new peers. Then it was time when I was back to the university and I was leaving my family house behind and starting new “adult” life in a new city. Now, funnily enough, it's almost the same. Being a teacher has made my life keep on the same cycle as I was used to in my childhood and then early adolescence. So, October is the month of beginnings (and my birthday month!).

Even if you have never thought about this time of year as something to make new resolutions, it's never too late. Just think about it, you have just started using the language laboratory at the university, you have just signed for a new course... Aren't this kind of resolutions? You want to become better at something. Why not to expand it a bit more? Here are some of my ideas to stay on track, to learn more, to expand your horizons. I hope it can inspire you to do something new, something special!

  1. Languages 
    Well, you're here, on our official blog. That's the first big step. What else can you do? Many things and all of them quite easy:
  • Join us at the MEET UP! It's fun, I promise! What is it? As Wilma, has perfectly explained on the meet up page: “We are a group of UPVEHU students, teachers and university workers who are interested in getting together at the weekend to walk, talk and explore Vitoria-Gasteiz and the surrounding area. Days out where the medium of English as a Lingua Franca will be used to share the thoughts and ideas of those who choose to come along. Mountain walks, city tours, packed lunches shared - old friends relaxing with new friends made. A warm welcome will be extended to one and all. Everybody is welcome, UPVEHU connected or not, family members, children...even dogs ;)”
    This very first Walk & Talk Meeting will be along the Green Ring of Gasteiz and it's on 30.10.2016. More info here:

  • Write something for our blog! Or at least post a comment, share your experiences. If you are interested in writing something longer, please send it to
    The only requirements is to be somehow connected to the university and/or to our language laboratory. Send us your text, name and surname and the above mentioned connection and we'll post your work here. To avoid any unpleasant situations let's agree on not writing about politics, religion, money and anything vulgar, OK? ;)

  • Apart from our courses/laboratory try using some app for your mobile or tablet. Just ten minutes per day could improve your vocabulary and grammar. I recommend a free DuoLingo, especially for lower levels:

  • Read, Watch and Listen!!! Whatever your hobby is, you can do it in English. You like films? Watch them in English with subtitles. You prefer music? Listen to your favourite English songs with lyrics in your hand. You are an avid reader? Read in English. Magazines, books, levelled books (specially adapted for A2-C1 levels). The choices are infinite. Even look for Yoga classes in English!

  1. Culture

  1. Books
    I know, I know! It's culture. But I'm a bookworm and for me it's a whole separate category. AS I've said, you can join a book club. Or set a challenge for yourself. How many books can you read in a year? What new areas do you want to discover? But there is also something different. What books immediately jump to your mind when you think of October? I think of:
  • Harry Potter (hmmm... Halloween in Hogwarts!),

  • Dracula (duh! cloudy and misty Transylvania),

  • Anne of Green Gables (I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” !!!).

Which books come to your mind?

Well, I could probably go on and on and on... But I don't want to bore you just with the first post. Please share your resolutions, beginnings, ideas. We would love to hear from you!!!

(written by: Slawka)

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