Monday, November 19, 2018

App-Addicts Anonymous

Will we one-day soon see this title as a sign posted in shop windows, newspapers and internet pages? If it isn’t already?

Almost any quick or basic internet search these days, may quickly lead you to the answers you seek, but immediately you enter a web site you are offered the service you have been seeking all your life! Yes, you can now download the app of your dreams: you can instantly know what take-out eating places deliver straight to your door; what the prices are in your local dry cleaners who will then pick up your items at the clic of the mouse; or do you want to know what flight prices are for a trip to Outer Mongolia? Yes folks, its all there. No catch, honest!

Well, there may be a slight catch, just a miniscule totally non-important one.

All these wonderful instant-access apps come with quite a hefty price tag, actually. It’s knowledge. Not the knowledge you want to know (book an appointment directly for Fluffykins to get a luxury pet-pampering), but in fact the knowledge will be flowing almost entirely in the other direction. We all know that any internet site we visit puts cookies on our device so they can monitor what we are looking at and then send us the best offer of something in which we just might be ever so slightly interested . But downloading the actual app is like inviting the company directly into our life, rolling the red carpet out for them. If you dont believe me just watch the accompanying video. This in turn, leads us to other sites that want us to download their app too!

However, the other question, and in my view a more important one, is why are we even thinking about downloading these apps at all? How come we are submitting ourselves to the ever-increasing spread of the disease of app-downloading? We are becoming app-junkies. In fact, looking back at this blog, the pernicious world of apps is spawning a whole new style of vocabulary! Do we really need that so-called money-saving shopping app? Just whose money is it saving? Certainly not ours. We like to think we are trendy and keeping ahead of the pack but instead, the app designers are rubbing their hands together in oily fashion as they pedal their wares to the manufacturing/service industries, persuading them that this is what the market is demanding. And then they bend over backwards to persuade us, - “the market”- that these things are a must-have.

Meanwhile, maybe there is a development of the spirit of competition in the app-downloading community with each poor app-crazy person who has lost all self control in order to find the latest, state-of-the-art must-have; must see; must-do app slowly losing their grip on reality. Maybe they are hiding in the office stock cupboard or lounging apparently nonchantly against the doorpost, not quite leaving or entering as they just have to see this one oh-so-important download opportunity, until one day they start actually falling under buses or causing other kinds of horrendous accidents in their frenzy not to miss it.

In the end what will become of all these app-ophiles? Will there be clinics and self-help groups for those who cannot control their addiction? Will they need professional healthcare and counselling to deal with their overwrought out-of-control app-mania. Will a whole new industry develop around counteracting this socially invasive addiction? Probably, until the next phase of technology delivers us its new baby for us to fawn and coo over. Dont wait, get help now before it’s too late.! You have been warned.

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